2. Tawnie & Seth got married the same week and we couldn't be happier for them!! It turned out to be such an awesome day! Don't worry I don't have any pictures of her wedding. Which leads me to the...
funeral. Ok a little dramatic? Yes. Our camera is dead. It worked fine until we really wanted some pictures at Tawnie's wedding. It still turns on, and when you go to take a picture it focuses and then nothing. Anyone know how to fix it? I don't want to fork out money for a new one quite yet...
Now for a much needed update...
My baby is gone and is now a toddler! Yes she has been walking for the past month. She can now stand up by herself, run away from mom when she's getting into trouble, and MUCH more. She's out of control and is excellent at making messes while I clean up her last one. She's been so fun though I can't believe how much personality is packed into this tiny little girl! She's finally getting her 2 tooth. And we got her ears pierced (there's a little before and after picture below) I almost bawled, but I held it together. Here are some pictures of Jen & Caden's trip out here. Our trip to Utah pictures will come shorty...don't hold your breath.
She is so cute Camille! Walking-good for her! I wish Brody would walk already, he is killing my arms!
I'm going to SLAP you... you forgot some other updating.
I love Brynlee she is so CUTE! and yes where is the other update...:)
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