
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reese's blessing and my cute husband.

We had Reese blessed this sunday and it was so much fun to have all of our family there! Kyle did an awesome job and I feel so blessed to have a husband who is worthy to hold the priesthood. Here are some pictures from the big day...
I'm albino compared to Kyle...I'm so ready for summer...
haha Brave was cracking us up! The three cute cousins...
My grandparents came in town for Reese's blessing and it's been so much fun! I'm so sad they're leaving today...
Kissing cousins...haha Brave is such a stud!
Thank you everyone who came!

Ok my husband is the best...he surprised me with tickets to Michael Buble!! Not only did he buy them for me but he came with and sat through the whole thing without a complaint. It was a much needed break for us and it was fun to have a night out with just the two of us! Seriously he was incredible in concert and I couldn't believe how amazing his voice is live. I had to reassure Kyle after that he is still my number one...although Michael might be second...Thanks Heather and Tim for babysitting for us so late!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Our cute girls on Easter...

Easter was so much fun this year! I loved that Brynlee would actually have fun with her easter basket and that we could have an easter egg hunt. I think I was more excited than Brynlee (hence the last picture of her rubbing her eyes...) I made her get up right away to go out to get her stuff :) Then we got to listen to conference which is always a treat!

Here's Brynlee walking in Daddy's shoes. I couldn't get a better picture because she was too busy walking around in them!
All worn out..
Dad bribing Brynlee for a smile...
Brynlee being sassy and refusing to smile...she kills me! haha I love Reese's face in this too her lips are so stinking cute
Reese is getting so big and chubby! I love her little thigh rolls
"Seriously Mom?"
Hope everyone had a fun Easter this year!