I know it's been forever since my last post but who knew life would be so crazy with two babies??We just got back from Newport and it was SO much fun! I was a little nervous about having Reese there and being out in the sun all day but she was a trooper. Brynlee LOVED the beach...especially the shovels. I don't think I got one picture without at least one shovel (most the time she carried around 3 or 4..) Every morning she'd find her swim suit and was ready to head off to the beach! Thank you Tim and Heather for such a fun vacation!

Brynlee had to have her own ice cream...the story of our lives.
All smiles at Balboa Island

what a munchkin..
Brynlee and Aubree
Reese at the beach just chillin

Brynlee with her shovel "mine mine mine" was heard frequently throughout the day.

"Sunscreen mom!"
Reesey ready with her "kini" on
Brynlee and Brave holding hands...presh.
YAY! An update!! I love it! Reese's eyes are soooo beautiful!!! And I love her chunky thighs too! Love ya!!!!
Finally!!! haha You have the cutest family hands down!!!
p.s. Lets get together soon FOR reals
haha love it!! They are SO cute!! I can't believe how big Brynlee is getting! We need to get together soon!
Too cute and how much fun! I LOVE family vacations! It looks like you all had a blast! You girls are so dang cute!
Ha! Love Brave SCREAMING for the picture.... what a turd!
Love all the "mine shovel" pic's. ;)
So cute Camille... can't believe you're a mom of 2! But they are both darling... looks like fun :)
You sure made this Grandma's day!! What precious little girls....
Looks like you all had fun! I'm so in need of a vacation!
i like that amy put "FINALLY" haha...it has been a while! :)
they are so cute on the beach!
when is our craft day...we need to start planning. maybe in a few weeks when we're all moved and closer to you guys!
haha I know I didn't realize it had been that long until I saw 2 months ago...so I figured it was about time! Yeah let's seriously plan it that will be perfect because by then we'll be done going out of town!
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