So I finally am getting around to updating this blog...I know it's been forever but now I figure I'll just do one BIG update...this will probably be boring to most of you but I don't want to forget what's been going on :) Here's what we've been up to the last couple months!
Every thursday we've been going to kids club. Brynlee and Reese LOVE it! If anyone is bored thursday morning you should meet up with us...

Reese is just a doll...we love her to pieces. She's such a sweetheart and I can't stop kissing her cute chubbo cheeks!
This happens daily around here...Reese is always trying to chase brynlee around and Brynlee loves it. She's constantly saying "Brynlee have one, Reesey have one!"
Haha She LOVES to look at herself in the mirror...this is her checking herself out in her new outfit..

Braden started playing football for Mountain View and we have been loving going to his games! Brynlee all week talks about "watching Braden football"
September was Brynlee's 2 birthday!! I had so much fun getting ready for her birthday parties this year (I think it helps when you're not pregnant :) ) She LOVED her birthday and that it was all about her that week. She walked around all week singing "Happy Brynlee...Happy Brynlee"

This is the ONLY picture I got of Brynlee on her birthday with her looking at the camera...two year olds sure are hard to catch!

Sneaking frosting before the party...
The three little monkeys jumping on the bed! Haha these three were jumping in the crib all night with "woodybuzz"
I was hesitant to do a friend party this year but I'm so glad I did it! It was so much fun to see all of our friends and their kids..
Brynlee was SO excited for "everyone sing to me" but as soon as everyone gathered around she got pretty shy :) Make a wish!

All the was pretty difficult to get everyone looking so this is the best I got :)
Watching Madagascar before everyone came...her favorite! I swear we watch this 20 times a day. She has it completely memorized.

Thank you to all the friends and family that came to celebrate Brynlee's birthday with us we had so much fun and appreciate you all coming out!
All about Brynlee right now...
*She loves to sing (Twinkle Twinkle, Mary had a little lamb, head shoulders, Happy Birthday...the list goes on and on)
*She knows her ABCs and can count to 20 (sometimes missing 16 haha) and also knows how to spell her name
*She is such a little smarty pants and honestly I love it but it's really a curse to the mom...just sayin...
*When she goes in time out she instantly yells "I SORRY!! I BE NICE!"
*She isn't afraid to tell people what she wants...ok let's just say it, she's the boss!
* I love that she loves Reese SO much. I hope they stay close forever. She loves her little "Reesey Roo"
*She's obsessed with the ChikFilA cow. Yet, when we get near him she freaks. Go figure.
*She's a human tornado...I swear I clean up constantly and yet our house is trashed...
*She loves to get her hair cut. Whenever a client leaves our house she hops up in the chair and says "Bynlee's turn! Haircut! BIB!!"
*Her new favorite thing to ask is "Whatcha doin mom?!" and she'll keep asking until I ask her what she is doing too..
*She picks her outfit everyday and and when it comes to putting it on she does it herself!
*She loves people...she constantly asks when we are leaving to everyone else's house but our own (just like her dad :) )
*She definitely knows how to stand up for herself..anywhere we go she will discipline other children "DON'T hit!! BE NICE"
Brynlee is such a blessing in our house I think we'd all die of boredom without her HA! She's such a little entertainer to us all. Although she's stinkin fiesty she can also be the sweetest little girl I've ever met. She has a big heart and I'm so glad I get to be her mom.
ok this post is amazing, I can't believe your daughter's fav. movie is Madagascar, oh wait, I can, I wonder where she gets it from ;) Your girls are too cute for words, and the birthday party set up rivals my bbs (best blog stalker) Amy Atlas. I'm excited to see you at the shower!
Ok, they are too cute! And I'm laughing my head off, Brody's fave movie is Madagascar too. I've had to limit the number of times we watch it. This age is so fun but so hard at the same time!
I love when you update your blog! Brynlee is SO cute! I'm so sad we missed the party, everything looked darling! You're a rock star mom!
I LOVE this post! All of those babes are so dang cute! Brynlee was such a cutie at her birthday party! Since we left, all Carter says is "Mommy, I wanna burtday!" He had so much fun jumping on Brynlee's bed. Thanks for inviting us! We had a blast!
PS we need to get them together soon to watch Toy Story and Madagascar! Carter would be in Heaven!
XO, Mallory
She is so cute! Looks like a fun party:) You are so talented and creative!!
What an adorable little party! Oh my! How that little girl has grown! I miss you guys so much! :) I started a new blog, check it out if you like. xoxo~ Amy
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