
Monday, March 3, 2008

Need a new post...

So I was sick of looking at the Christmas post as I'm sure everyone else is...I know Alisa is! So here's an update on our lives- We moved into our house and we love having the extra space. We found out we got the house around the same time we found out I'm pregnant so it was perfect timing! So that's our other big news I'm about 10 weeks along so still pretty new...Kyle of course is hoping for a boy...Anything healthy will be good for me. We were really lucky to have Chelsea and Isaac help us paint our house, we would never have finished if it weren't for them. We owe them big time! We're going to California for spring break with Chelsea & Isaac so we'll have to post some pictures from that!


~AliSa~ said...

YAY finally a new post! Oh hey I tagged you.

Casey and Nichole said...

An update, Wahoo! You better start using this thing so I can keep tabs on you guys! Have fun in cali!

Casey and Nichole said...

Dearest Rohners,

I just wanted to write you guys and first off introduce myself; I'm Casey, Nicholes fiance and future hubby. Nice meetin ya. Well now that we got that taken care of I just want you guys to know that if Kyle wants to build houses for people I'll totally been in on it! He can fund it and I'll be the T.V. personality guy, even though I'm not too personal of a person... Well, nice meeting you again.
Casey (This message read and approved of by Nichole)

Casey and Nichole said...

K lets do it for sure! haha

UrgentCookie said...

Congrats on getting moved into your new house. Double congrats on the pregnancy.